Neve Monroe Anderson

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Indie Bookstore Promotion

Team: Individual

Timeline: 10 days

Tools: Photoshop, InDesign

Product: Grayscale print brochures


The Upper Connecticut River Valley, a scenic region spanning several towns in New Hampshire and Vermont, is home to several unique local bookstores. In this project I worked within the constraints of a tight budget and quick turn-around to create print promotional material for their Bookstore Crawl hosted on International Book Day.


Local institution Lou’s Restaurant and Bakery–open since 1947–has a locally famous walking map of the town on their placemats. This placemat graphic was the key aesthetic the client wanted the material to make reference to. The client also cited book covers such as Noelle Stevenson’s Cover of Fangirl and Lumberjanes, as well as walking maps such as designer Astrid Prasetianti’s of Kota Tua and Glodok.


I began this project by discussing the client’s goals–aesthetic and functional–as well as time and budgetary constraints. This project was constrained to grayscale due to printing costs. Afterwards, I created initial drafts of the map, and after approval of the aesthetic and textual content, we moved into creating other graphics for the brochure. The client then gave me the copy for brochure, which I formatted for print before sending it off for final revisions. After each bookstore was satisfied with the format and copy, we printed the fliers. Overall this campaign brought several hundred customers to bookstores in the Upper Valley.

Code and Content Neve Monroe-Anderson, 2023